

Social Media Advertising


Social Media Advertising

1 Lesson
7.3 hours
What you'll learn
Understand the basics of social media advertising and its importance.
Learn about different social media platforms and their advertising features.
Develop strategies for creating effective social media ad campaigns.
Create and manage ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
Understand targeting options and how to reach specific audiences.
Use ad creatives effectively, including images, videos, and copy.
Analyze ad performance and optimize campaigns for better results.
Develop a comprehensive social media advertising strategy.

French for Beginners


French for Beginners

1 Lesson
1.1 hour
What you'll learn
Understand and use basic French vocabulary and phrases.
Apply fundamental grammar rules to form simple sentences.
Pronounce French words accurately and with confidence.
Engage in basic conversations on common topics.
Comprehend simple written and spoken French.
Gain an appreciation for French culture and customs.
Develop strategies for continued language learning.